Monday 8 December 2014

My Beloved Sister

My Beloved Sister

We held hands to bazaars at Saint Mary’s
As if ensuring nothing our bonding stifled;
Both of us little cared about doll babies,
But with whatever we had were satisfied.
The months rolled into years at Campbell,
We, in chivalry and truth, waxed strong;
Mom and dad made proud, happy parents
Who, among their peers envied became.
Although by an ocean separated in the end,
Our conversations were only moments away.
How could I my beloved sister incommunicado
Be considered just because death so decrees?
With every word I say, every move I make,
My undying love, prayers to ease her passage,
At the door-steps of heaven I shall daily lay,
Ihuaku’s gentle soul will rest in peace hoping.
 Lagos, January 4, 2014

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