Thursday 18 December 2014

Orphan Gone Missing

Orphan Gone Missing
By George Amadi

Insects all day a sad orphan gathered;
Little to show for his effort, at best of
Times, yet, with courage, his all gave
Day after day, come rain, come shine.

But come one day, when the horizon
Readied the small red sun to swallow,
Word had it from the grape-vine that
The amiable hunter had gone missing.

Days not a few passed, moons, as well,
In tandem, still, mum was the word in 
An ill-fated village alas, by grief struck;
Yarns that gossips spun queries trailed!

For Amechi's guardian, living on earth
Every single day was like burning in hell;
Yet although blind, he baskets intricate
In design at very affordable rates wove.

One breezy, moon-lighted night, after
Consoled villagers their fate accepted
Have, an oracle from the wild, on the
Mystery lad’s find, a moving story told.

Lagos, Oct. 24, 2014

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